Outside the Box Blog

In lieu of our old “Outside the Box” Newsletter, the SCAA has created a blog for our members. It will continue the activities of the newsletter, but in an accessible format with content that will be constantly refreshed. It is our hope that this blog will serve as a space for members of Saskatchewan’s archival community to share knowledge, connect with other archival workers province wide, and showcase the exciting work that is being done in their institutions across the province. 

The SCAA is looking for blog material from any member archives. Share a profile of a great volunteer, your own musings on archival work, the story of an inspiring collection, or maybe information on an archival project that has had an impact on your community! If it is archival, we want to hear about it!

SCAA Outside the Box BLOG

We hope you enjoy this new format. To provide us with feedback on the blog, or to submit an article, please contact scaa.advisor@sasktel.net.


The SCAA newsletter, "Outside the box" and its predecessors "Re-Past" and "Scoop", were publications that were sent electronically to the public.
Along with messages from the SCAA's executive and profiles of both individual and institutional members, these newsletters highlighted activities and events held by those involved with SCAA, such as, but not limited to, Archives Week, Culture Days, open houses and workshops.

Past issues of Outside the Box/Re-Past/Scoop newsletter in PDF form for download: